
Summon To Safety


11-03-2013, 11:48 PM
ooc//Seracians are also welcome in the thread ^_^

The Valhallans had arrived, and Dragon was prepared. He had sought out a safe place for the Valhallans to stay, and any of his own Seracian packmates too should any of them decide to be more secluded during the war. It was no time for games, as it was possible that their enemies would try to use the main fight as a distraction in order to ambush the other packs. Dragon had voiced his concerns to Maverick, and it seemed the King had agreed with him. Now, he kept to his promise of helping and preparing for a place for the refugees as well as others to bunker down and stay. Loccian had taken the injured with her, and so Dragon would summon the others to him. The location he sought out was on the Eastern side of Seracian lands, the part between the forest and the lake. There was access to quick cover, and a water supply should anything happen. And just on the other side of the woods, an abundant supply of goats, chickens, and other farm animal that Dragon was familiar with.

He stood in a clearing between the lake and the trees, tilting his head back he would call the Valhallans. Though he would welcome anyone else that would decide to appear as well. This was the place he chose as a safe haven for those who wanted it, and none would be denied.
