
Trouble on the horizon

…. Intruder?



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

10-17-2023, 10:53 PM

Our lives are made in these small hours

He kept his gaze completely on the man, well aware of his mate's actions of leaning into him. To say it didn't make him feel better about keeping her protected would be a lie. He could easily step over her if he needed and he knew she wouldn't stop him if push came to shove. And the male in front of them had him bristling and a snarl escaping his maw as he giggled at Bae-Syl's seriousness. Trespassing was in his eyes a serious offense.

Then haydee showed up. It was likely a good thing for the male as Bae had been ready to tear him a new one. Something was off with this male and Bae had too much to lose to allow things like this male to slip in unnoticed. Haydee gave him a motion to stand down and he grumbled. Displeased that the young Aplhess wasn't even allowing the combatant to stand at the ready.

Then words slipped from the males maw that had him glaring daggers at him. When Lucy went to move away his teeth clicked closed audibly. His fur was fluffed up and without taking his eyes off the male he went to cover Lucy's movement and guard her from his sight, protective jealousy gripping at him. If he made even one move wrong, Bae would be taking his other eye.

Bellamy had trusted him with her family and he was willing to put his life on the line to protect what was his to protect. Bellamy wouldn't have catered to this male either though he felt. Especially not with the recent events.

His fur stayed fluffed up and he stepped back until he felt his haunches touch luce. His body then turning and his ass meeting the ground. Yet something told him that while yes Lucy was talking to him he needed to watch this male. His ear turned to Lucy to let her know he heard her. Yet they both knew he wasn't about to stop being what this pack needed of him. He chanced a glance at her for a moment.

"My gut tells me something isn't right with him, stay back unless we need you?.... I don't know why but it doesn't feel like Haydee is safe with him...." his words were whispered to Lucy, so only she could hear. He had lived with evil for the longest time. He trusted those feelings undoubtedly. He kept himself tensed, ready to spring at a moments notice. As his eyes went back to the scene before him. He just couldn't shake the feeling. But he knew he was here so at least haydee and Lucy weren't alone if the male became violent or needed a reminder that he was in someone else's home.

Walk, "talk", Think

These little wonders these twists and turns of fate

Art by Asena

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.

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1. Trouble on the horizon Cattail Creek 03:40 AM, 09-12-2023 08:01 AM, 01-30-2024