
Wake Me Up When September Ends



8 Years
11-03-2013, 11:59 PM
Oracle gave a soft whimper at the woman touch and Oracle turned her head trying to burying her muzzle in the soft fur over the dames chest as something inside her gave way, the box she had kept closed for the last two days, the one that had been straining for freedom all morning finally burst wide, and the tears of fear and frustration that she had been holding back began to seep from her eyes. She did not make a move to pull away to answer merci's question but simply nodded into the girls chest the back of her head bumping against the woman?s chin. She stayed there for a while curled against the smaller dames body, as the tears increased, it was true that most of her experiences with the dame had been because of her bones but Oracle trusted her she was pack some of the only pack that Oracle had ever known, and Oracle would lay down her short life to protect her pack, especially now. Her sobs had dissolved into soft hiccups and sighs and gently she pulled away.

She brought her fore paws up running them over her face to brush away the last remnants of the tears from her face, ?I'm sorry,? she muttered, ?I just, I thought they would be back they are always here and, can I stay with you tonight ? ? she lifted her head to meet the small dames eyes. Oracles den was not empty her siblings would come beck eventually but it felt wrong without ma or pa. She waited for the answer in tense silence, the smaller den would be a tight squeeze with another wolf added to it but she still wanted to stay.

It was then her stomach growled making itself know she had always had a source of food but for the past three days she had not eaten anything, partially it was because her parents had not brought anything and partially it was because she had been on vigil waiting at the den for their return. For a moment she looked at her stomach almost shocked then embarrassed she looked back across at the dame, ?you don?t have anything I could eat do you,? They had told her to be safe and so she had staying near home sure she had gone out and played with knight but that was just on the beach, and she had been on the beach even before she had had farther permission. The beach was safe she wasn't so sure about the woods and plains, she had yet to be taught to hunt not properly and the only fight training was that of a pup.

OOC: would it be ok if i invited some of the other pups, like odette and possibly galahad.