
i'll be back when you least expect it


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
10-18-2023, 08:59 AM

Tenshi stares at him as he stares back at her. Was her suggestion not appropriate? He was the one who led her here so surely he knew the best way across! Tense and getting more nervous by the minute, she is startled when he is suddenly behind her, shoving her forward. How was he strong enough to propel her across the bridge as if she weighed nothing? Wood creaks and the bridge swings as the borzoi comically drags Tenshi across the bridge until she feels firm stone beneath her paws. In the struggle, she felt the sharp end of a broken board swipe across her cheek, but only now did she feel the blood trickle down her face. Wrinkling her nose as the stranger wanders into the cave ahead of them, Tenshi hesitates.

Should she follow?

Looking back over her shoulder, she realizes that there is no turning back. As the bridge sways over the pit of lava, it appears as if it might fall at any moment. Not wanting to risk her life, Tenshi turns and follows him into the cavern where he is waiting for her. Coming to a stop not a few feet later, she looks around. Looking at him and then at the bubbling lava, Tenshi considers which way to go. Clearly, he wasn't going to help her again so she would have to go this alone. Walking up to where the stepping stones are, she wonders if they're sturdy enough to hold her. When she looks at the thin edge, her heart races a little. Definitely not that way. But then there are the other bridges. Why risk jumping from stone to stone when she could take another bridge? These ones appeared to be in better shape.

"I'll take the bridges," Tenshi murmurs softly as she casts one more look at the grumpy wolf-dog.


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1. i'll be back when you least expect it Locus Obscuro 06:09 AM, 10-17-2023 10:39 PM, 03-25-2024