
tell me that you need me


11-04-2013, 01:38 AM

His eyes fluttered closed for a brief moment and Aislyn's face fluttered across the backs of his eyelids. Was what he was doing wrong? Everything felt so right but guilt fluttered in the background of his mind. Was he going to go to hell for this?

He was quiet and didnt interrupt as she spoke, basically saying everything that he wanted. Was it so possibly that they could be this alike? He almost felt physically in pain as his ears folded back and he sighed softly. Her second statement reminded him so much of Aislyn and instantly he felt the need to reach for her and touch her. He wanted to be near her and he wasn sure if it was the heat talking of what but he needed her. He was looking back at her now, expression slightly pained as he steadily met her gaze. Could he say what he wanted to say? Ask the question current floating around in his skull? His eyes closed again as she leaned forward and touched him once more, placing a gentle lick on his cheek. Even as she broke contact he left his eyes closed and lingered in the moment. "I would hope for the same as well..." He said softly, only opening his eyes in slight suprise as he felt her teeth connect and apply slight pressure on his neck.

He was surprised but not unpleasently so and a slow smile slid over his features again as he studied her. "Eria I have a question for you... And feel free to say no, I know it's a lot to ask..." He took in a deep breath, trying to figure out how to word his next statement as the scent of her heat continued to wreak havoc on his mind. "I like you Eria, I feel like we have a lot in common... I would love for nothing more then to have another chance at being a father." God he really hoped he didn't had to say more, it was already awkward enough but instead of saying more he reached out and slid his cheek along hers, pressing into her warmth tenderly and nuzzling into her neck. She smelt wonderful, she felt wonderful. Could someone be this perfect? In both mind and body she was lovely, even in his hazy state he felt a connection to her. He wanted to spend more time with her, to get to know her. He didn't know where the idea of her bearing his children came from but it had come out suddenly, almost without thought.