
Rare and Sweet Like Cherrywine



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
10-18-2023, 05:54 PM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2023, 06:09 PM by Aurelia. Edited 1 time in total.)

The first moments taking advantage of her false freedom actually did quite a bit for her in the avenue of reviving her spirit. Though of course, the brief meditative moment she had claimed for herself was once again interrupted. Sapphire gaze blinked open, her attention settling on a black and white fae as she approached. The words that were spoken to her, while she heard, she chose not to acknowledge. Annoyed with the random encounter, she considered telling the stranger off entirely- though she wasn’t really in a condition to back her tough talk with a fight. Still, it was her nature to do so. However, as the other girl came to a more conversational distance, she reiterated how terrible she looked. Even still Aurelia wouldn’t cower. The wounds around her neck and scruff were on the mend- but still very much visible. She wouldn’t hide them. What did she care if this stranger thought lesser of her. And while she made no move to hide herself, she didn’t like the feeling of examining eyes. “Yeah, well looks aren’t everything, and snide observations from nosy passerbys aren’t useful.” Her words were sharp, and her sing-song tone- while more casual than anything- did have a bit of an edge to it as well. It was an act of passive-aggression at its finest.

The next sentiment that was given to her, nearly took her breath away. Sephiran. So this must not be a total stranger after all. But if this girl ran with the purple brute as well, then how were they in such vastly different conditions? What the fuck!? As it was explained to her that the longing for death was plainly written in her expression, she immediately answered with a giggle- cracking a brightened grin that probably felt just as unsettling as it looked. “You’re just all kinds of perceptive, aren't you? …” She asked, her words trailing off as her expression fell lax.

As far as this girl’s relationship to her own personal, egotistical maniac … she needed answers. “What is Sephiran to you?” Aurelia asked, voice void of any amusement now. She had to know.

"Aurelia Veratti"
 Fancy Italic.

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1. Rare and Sweet Like Cherrywine The Polar Sound 07:50 PM, 10-17-2023 08:53 PM, 11-25-2023