
when i feel i am slipping further away...



10-18-2023, 06:17 PM
Crux had been able to help her. She felt terribly guilty. Nearly dying hadn't been intentional. A mere consequence for trying to do good. Her emotions were conflicted. Would Sirius allow her back into the Armada? Or would she be pushed out before she could live on her own? How was she supposed to ask him? The reason is unknown to her, but her voice, her knowledge of speaking, is still lost to her. Language she understands, that much she is thankful for. But speaking the words herself? Impossible.

Frustration laces through her as she makes her way from a small den in the cove. The young girl has found a hidden den toward the north of the cove that she believes Sirius doesn't know about. Or at least he pretends he doesn't know about it. Either way, she stays there the days following where the colorful girl and Crux had found her. She hates that she hadn't gotten the girl's name because she would really like to thank her! How she was going to do that was a mystery since she couldn't talk.

Walking slowly along the beach, she drags her paws. Doing much was still exhausting. Her ribs still stuck out and her fur still slightly loose. Building muscle and fat would take a while, but she would try her best. Letting out a sigh, the girl stops and looks out to the horizon. Shivering against the frigid winter wind that rolled off the water, she wondered if she could find a cloak somewhere.

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1. when i feel i am slipping further away... Soul Sand Cove 06:17 PM, 10-18-2023 03:57 AM, 02-17-2024