
Take The First Step Forward


11-04-2013, 02:06 AM

Tilting his head towards the sun, he would notice that sun high was soon to approach noontide. He guessed that Cassius was not in his den, otherwise he would have been out seconds after Dragon had arrived. Today, however, it would seem the boy would be late. Though Dragon didn't mind at all, he was sure the boy was as nervous as he was...and was probably taking his time somewhere. Moments after the thought, a scent would reach him and he would turn to see Cassius coming in, and immiediately began to apologize to him. Dragon gazed down with gentleness and understanding, no harshness would enter his gaze or tone. It was only natural that one so young as he would be exploring his pack lands. After all, Dragon himself had done that when he was that age, and up till he was a year old...though unfortunately, his last escapade had landed him in a near fatal accident which scarred his back and chest for life. They were not but the memories of a nightmare, that he wished he could forget. But as it was, they would probably stick with him forever.

He would turn, standing to face the boy. A dip of his head as he shook it gently. "Do not apologize young one, I am in no way offended. It is only natural that one so young as yourself would be out and about exploring." A gentle smile would grace his features as he tried to relax the young boy. Not wanting to frighten him, but to make him feel more comfortable...or at least try. He would then lower his body to the ground, coming to rest on his belly so that he was on the same eye level as Cassius. With a gentle gesture, he would become relaxed, brushing aside the nervousness that had threatened to hold him. "Are you ready for today's training? It won't be hard at all...I promise."
