
Salty Taste Of Blood



10-18-2023, 08:42 PM
What he didn’t expect was a woman who answered his call. Her extra large frame stepped into view and he said nothing once she spoke. Giving a tilt of his head, watching her companions take their place, he gave a low growl in anticipation. Gender did not matter to him in any case. She wished to fight and so they would do as expected. Claws dug deeper into the snowed flooring. Embracing himself for whatever she chose to do. Gaze forever watching when she moved to his left side.

However, this became short lived when a red falcon flapped away in his face. The distraction caused him to snarl out in frustration. Ears pulling back in hopes to ear wherever she came from. With his vision filled with a sight of feathers, he had no choice but to duck his head in an attempt to evade the bird’s wings. A sharp pain shooting up along his thigh once the woman’s teeth sunk into his leg. He turned his head to attempt to sink his own into her right shoulder with a sharp tug.
"Khranbari Chah Fao"

Khranbari vs Nirvana for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: 5 yrs
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: N/A
Defensive Battle Accessory: N/A
Skills: Novice Fighter & Novice Hunter

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1. Salty Taste Of Blood Fontamo Bay 02:44 PM, 10-16-2023 08:07 AM, 01-30-2024