
home sweet home



Beginner Healer (0)

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3 Years
10-18-2023, 08:55 PM

She wondered how their system worked here for slaves. The place where she’d been directed was quite spacious. Though damp, it didn’t deter her from being grateful for the woman having bought Chesna. Now free from the clutches of that man. A new journey was now ahead of her and she could not be more ready to begin. Ears drawn t’wards the direction of her new owner when they heard Good and it brought Heterochromia eyes to glance up for the second time today.

The wolf before her was completely huge. It took all of Chesna to fully take in the massive build as her gaze only met the legs of the other. They traveled up to see a white chest that seemingly matched the set of white paws she’d become accustomed to. Further up and she came to meet the most beautiful set of purple. Their deep and taunting gaze so bright; yet, dark. For a moment, she forgot as to what her rank was and soon snapped her attention back to the ground.

Body slumped down to the stone flooring. Tail tucked tight against her belly with a series of whimpers to press from her throat. She’d looked up without permission. Not having neither heard or understood the words spoken earlier. Before she could stop herself, Russian spilled free. "Мне очень жаль, госпожа. Пожалуйста, не делайте мне больно. Я не хотел пялиться."


Translation: “I am sorry, Mistress. Please do not hurt me. I did not mean to stare.”

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1. home sweet home Cryer's Ravine 11:25 AM, 10-05-2023 07:38 AM, 02-17-2024