
Rare and Sweet Like Cherrywine



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
10-18-2023, 11:09 PM

The other girl was quick to counter her own observation- a gentle disagreement. Of course, this stranger was entitled to her own opinion. Even more considering Aurelia didn’t have the energy to apply herself into trying to change it. With a tight-lipped grin in response to the laughter of her company, she’d concede with another barbed tongue reply. “Well, if I ever need a character witness, I’ll be sure to seek out your expertise.” Aurelia assured, casually looking away as she scanned for anyone who might be approaching. As far as she could tell, they were alone.

She didn’t return her attention until the monochromatic fae spoke once again, explaining just how insane the situation “That’s where you’re wrong, Nosy Passerby. I’m the sanest person I know. As to what Snaggle-tooth has taken from me, well … I’ll tell you the same as I have told him. This …” Aurelia paused as she gestured to herself with a sweeping gesture of her paw. “Is merely a vessel. A disposable one at that.” True power was granted when you craved the embrace of death. Things could be taken sure, but at the end of the line … your wish would be granted. Blinking away the thoughts that clouded her mind, she contemplated divulging more. She supposed her explanation would be a little far-fetched to someone who didn’t know of her and her practices. But ahh, what the hell? It wasn’t like she was afraid of the thoughts of others. Besides, this girl already implied her sanity was suffering. How much further could her perception possibly sink? Let’s find out, shall we? “I won’t bore you with the details, but Sephiran and I have entered a death pact of sorts. I’m completely willing and capable of fulfilling my end of the deal, but it seems that he’s not interested in allowing our game to end- the cowardly bastard. True anger was present in her tone, though she quickly covered up with a flash of that tight-lipped grin. Only to allow it to fade with the stranger’s next words.

Aurelia blinked in disbelief. If she could have shaken the other girl, she would have. And she had the audacity to call her insane? “Your definition of insanity is extraordinarily skewed if you chose to follow that sociopath.” Aurelia responded flatly. Though, the longer she thought about it, the more her temper began to boil.

"Aurelia Veratti"
 Fancy Italic.

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1. Rare and Sweet Like Cherrywine The Polar Sound 07:50 PM, 10-17-2023 08:53 PM, 11-25-2023