
big heckin' yikes!

tomie, healing seasonal



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
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Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
10-19-2023, 11:17 AM

Through the blur of her tears as she tried to stifle the bleeding, she heard someone approach. Lifting her gaze, Delphi watches the ivory girl come near and begin directing her. Who was this? Her ears flatten slightly as she turns her chin away. Wasn't she already holding still enough? Ugh. The cut still hurt. Well, it was more of a stinging sensation by now and she hated the feeling of her blood caking onto her fur. Where was Strai when she needed him to help clean herself?

Still, Delphi was curious and she watched the girl work silently. Her expression would scrunch as Tomie pressed the snow onto her cut. A hiss slides through her teeth as her lips pull up into a grimace. "S'pose it could've been worse," Delphi mumbles under her breath as the stinging pain finally subsides and the skin around the open wound numbs from the temperature of the snow. Trying to focus on breathing more than staring at the wound, Delphi's ear perks when the girl asks if she knows what Yarrow and Lady's Slipper look like.

Thinking on it for a moment, Delphi nods slowly. "Yarrow's the one with those small white flowers on top? Lady's Slipper, I'm not sure, but it smells... like fragrant, right?" The young pup questions Tomie as she continues to try and stay still. There was no use moving and making things worse. "I think Tenshi or Ulmaria's got at least some dried Yarrow in the storage," Delphi comments as she narrows her eyes while trying to remember the last time she'd checked what the older healers had gathered over the summer.

WC: 1635

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1. big heckin' yikes! Fenrir's Maw 09:37 AM, 09-06-2023 09:35 PM, 11-01-2023