
snakes on a plain

for astraios



Beginner Navigator (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
10-19-2023, 03:32 PM

As the days came and went, Echo slowly recovered from her time out at sea. Morte had managed to help her catch some small rodents while she was resting and getting her strength back, and it hadn't been too long until she'd been able to leave the beach behind. Good riddance, she thought. If she never saw the ocean again it would be too soon, and ss she'd parted ways with the golden sand she'd not been entirely sure how to feel - a large part of her felt relieved to be leaving the crashing waves behind, surprised she was even still alive, but she still wasn't sure if she should be feeling sad for the loss of her homeland. A mixture of sad but not-sad was pulled taught like a knot in her chest and of course, Echo pushed it away, never fond of mulling over complicated feelings.

Luckily for her, although the wolves of this new land seemed strange the prey that inhabited the surrounding areas seemed normal and the scenery was as she would expect. The grass was green, the trees had leaves, the waters were clear. Thankfully nothing seemed untoward or out of place (for the moment). That was good. Echo could work with that and mapping the area was a good activity to keep her mind occupied.

From the Beach to the Plains, Echo took her time. Using the path of the sun she'd figured she was on the east side of Boreas and had taken care in noting the different types of trees and foliage the further inland she went. She'd also been very careful to make note of any scent of pack - back home she'd known where to avoid, but here she was blind. Irritating, but it couldn't be helped.

The dark girl had eventually settled herself in the Plains, finding it much more to her tastes than the Beach. She was currently minding her own business, snuffling through the grass on a bright, cold, wintery afternoon as she followed the scent of a rabbit. Her exploration brought her to a huddle of bushes and the dark girl snuffled around it some more, trying to discern where the little creature had hopped off to. If she had known the reputation that the Plains held, or even its name, she might have been more careful. Alas, she was none the wiser, and ended up sticking her nose where it didn't belong.

Something sharp dug into her nose, making her yelp loudly. Rearing back, eyes wide, she realised that there was a snake hanging on for dear life! She must have looked like a mad woman, yelling curses and swinging her head around like some deranged bull. "GetitoffgetitoffgetitOFF!" With a final scream and a particularly harsh head toss that gave her whiplash, the snake finally let go and was sent flying through the air!

art and code by Yahtzee-Penguiduck

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1. snakes on a plain Serpent Plains 03:32 PM, 10-19-2023 06:42 AM, 10-24-2023