
Chaos Mode [pack meeting & feast]

Replies due Oct. 13th!


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


Master Fighter (684)

Master Hunter (325)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
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Festival OrganizerWealthyLegendaryHomebodyWinnerVengeance
Critical Dodge!LoserCritical Fail!By A WhiskerRapid Poster - RainbowPride - Aromantic
SocialiteSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipScarredDouble MasterOoh La La
How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual1K
Dream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
10-23-2023, 12:00 AM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2023, 12:00 AM by Medusa. Edited 1 time in total.)

She stretched herself across the Bone Throne, nails clicking and clacking on the solid surface as she inspected it. She wasn't done with it. It still needed some polishing up and some things needed to be shifted around and tied down a little better, but it would do for now. Ears perked and eyes rose to find Eraithus arrived first. Her grin widened as he praised her for how amazing it was. "Yes! Medusa put it all together for all of you! And Medusa has been working on this for a few days, too, but collecting bones for longer!" She proudly tapped her paw on her throne, tail wagging as his companion came over to compliment her piece. "Medusa will show Eraithus how she does it!" She nodded. If he was interested in learning, who was she to stop him? Her gaze turned to Vulcan when he arrived,"Hmmmmm..." She nodded to him as he took a seat. She didn't see much of him. He was pretty quiet. Didn't like to show his face much. Maybe he just didn't like others? Why would he be in a pack if he didn't like to be around others? He did show up to the raid, so that was something at least. Still, he was one of the few she wanted to see more of in the pack. Especially since his dad the Red Man was so dang interesting! Next to arrive was Enki's brother, uh...she couldn't remember his name. Did she even get his name when he trespassed!? Heck. She couldn't remember. Oh well! He was here, and she eyed him as he went to sit with Eraithus. He too, had shown up to the raid. Which honestly, surprised her.

Her lovely little gremlin came next, and although Medusa greatly appreciated and was very proud of Morticia's effort in the raid, Medusa knew she wasn't much of a fighter. But still, she tried! A for effort, right!? She nodded proudly after Morticia's question, her grin growing bigger, proud of her setup. Hopefully, this would be a good pick-me-up for them! Something for them to know that she appreciated them. Ghoul showed up next with a Cricket on his back and his brother at his side. She was pleased to see them, and even more so as they sat nearby. Ghoul at this point, was one of her greatest friends. Or at least she considered him one, and of course, she absolutely adored Cricket! Mac she had been growing a soft spot for, he was cool. "Thanks, Ghoul! Medusa is proud of it!" She beamed. Shortly after them, her goddaughter arrived. Medusa smiled at her, of course. For whatever reason, Triss couldn't speak. Though she still had feelings about her being at Armada at the time, she still wasn't sure what to think of the situation. Enki and Veigar came next, both quiet and going in their own directions. Enki with his brother and father, and Veigar on his own. She watched the two respectively as she thought about what she wanted to do with them. They both did well in the raid and honestly, she'd been surprised when Veigar had shown up to fight. Last to arrive were Widow, Taz, and Rue. Though Rue was the latest of them all, she tsked as her daughter grabbed some food and went over to sit with Morticia. Well, late was better than never!

**Meeting start**

She waited a few moments for everyone to settle in, and once she felt they were, she began. "Medusa wants to thank everyone for coming! And to thank you all for your uh, hard work! Medusa has set up a feast for you all to share today! Medusa is proud of the ones who went to fight to protect Insomnia, and even though Insomnia lost, she is still proud!" She nodded firmly before continuing. "So, first, Medusa will start with promotiiiing...Vulcan!" Her gaze found the broody red male who looked very similar to the Red Man she had encountered several times before. "Medusa appreciated the prompt showing up to fight! And it was also good to see your face," She winked and giggled, "Medusa is promoting Vulcan to Howler! Congrats!" She breathed in, and then out, and in a more serious tone, stated "Medusa wants to see you around more. Vulcan will be training with Medusa for a while." She left no room for negotiations on that.

Her gaze shifted over to the little family trio, and then "Eraithus," She turned her gaze to the Blue Man, beaming at him as she sat up, "Eraithus, Medusa saw how you fought against the raiders, and she has seen how much you train! Medusa will admit, she did not trust you for a while, but he has proven that he can be trusted. Medusa is promoting Eraithus to Heartless! He will also help to train others to be better Insomnia warriors, so he will have an apprentice." She nodded, beaming proudly at him. Sure, it had taken her some time to start trusting him, but the more she talked to him and interacted with him, the more he proved she probably could trust him.

Next up! Her gaze dropped to Enki, and she ho'd and hummed as she considered him for a few moments. "Enki...Medusa is thankful that he showed up to fight, too. So Enki is also getting promoted, and will now be a Fear." While she knows that Enki is here for his own reasons, Medusa doesn't want to treat him any differently from anyone else in the pack. He was hers to protect and lead for as long as he was here, and she'd make it known that she appreciated him regardless of his feelings about her or the situation as a whole. Her gaze briefly switched to his horned brother, but she was not yet ready to discuss ranks or much else with him just yet. He had trespassed and forced Medusa to Curse him, and put himself in a position that Enki had so desperately given himself to keep him out of. She was upset with Enki's brother, but she'd address that later and in private.

Dual-toned gaze then turned to Veigar, and knowing he couldn't see, she gently spoke his name so that he knew she was speaking to him directly. "Shiny man Veigar!" Her tone was lighthearted. She didn't know if anyone else knew of his blindness, but she did, and her companions had advised her not to out his blindness without his permission, and that it was something personal. He might not like it if she openly said something to the others. "Veigar, Medusa wants to promote you to the rank of Fear. She thought you fought courage, and Medusa is happy to have you on her side." Though he couldn't see it, she smiled at him. She barely knew him, sure, but she felt like he was someone worth keeping around. Someone worth trying to make friends with, perhaps.

Turning her attention then to Morticia & Cricket, she wagged her tail as she beamed widely at them. "Medusa saw both of you fight, even though she knows neither of you are warriors. But you are both very good hunters! So Medusa is promoting both of you to Shriek! Hunting is just as important as fighting, no? Other wolves are not the only dangerous creatures around, you are both very brave!" And she was damn proud of her daughter and Cricket, especially considering how tiny she was! She supposed good things came in small packages.

To Widow & Ghoul, she looked between the two of them. These were the two wolves that she trusted the most in the pack. Even though they were the kids of her late enemy, Medusa had come to see them as family. Both had decided to willingly follow her despite the history between her and Recluse. Ghoul had been the first to show her kindness and, in some form, friendship, during her time as a Habari slave. And Widow she felt she understood in some way. Not only did they have their first litter just a few hours apart, but Medusa felt...connected to her. They helped raise each other's pups, Medusa had helped care for her during her recovery, and Widow had made Medusa a special gift that she treasured. She truly did care about and greatly appreciated both of their friendship "Medusa is promoting Ghoul to Nightmare. And also Widow will be a Dream. Medusa loves and appreciates both of you very much, and she thinks you deserve recognition for your work." She felt everyone deserved recognition for the work she'd seen them do, so of course, she wanted to acknowledge that.


"Medusa is proud of all of you! And she is glad you are all working hard, but there is still a lot Insomnia can do. Especially if Insomnia is to beat the next attack, hm?" She took in a deep breath and let the wolves who had earned a promotion celebrate for a few moments if they so chose before she continued. "As she said before, Vulcan will train with Medusa, mostly. She will also help Morticia and Enki." She nodded at her choices. "Ghoul will help Mac, Veigar, and Cricket. Eraithus will help train Akuma and Tazzy. Widow with Rue and Cryptis." There. That settled that part. She trusted the mentors to train their students and ensure their readiness for the next time someone decided to raid Insomnia, or worse. She really hoped they'd take her a little more seriously this time. She didn't wanna be the bad guy, or take away any fun. Hell, she figured she'd been doing a decent job so far all things considered.

Misc. (Spring festival mention, raiding, request board reveal)

Now that that was out of the way, fun stuff! "Medusa wants to throw a festival soon, she thinks it is time for Insomnia to have Right now, it is too cold to have one, but when Spring comes and it warms up, Insomnia will have a festival! Racing, spars, food, fun! Medusa has special plans...planned for it!" It was decidedly a little too early to go into further detail as she was still thinking on some things. Perhaps she could discuss some ideas with her newly promoted betas! "Also...Insomnia needs a few more paws. Medusa has put a request on the new board she set up by her den! Anyone here can go to the board to see what things need doing, and even ask for help! A raven named Snatcher will help you there!" She beamed with pride and was hopeful that her new idea would work. "Anyone who recruits someone who is good for Insomnia, or helps with things on Medusa's shiny new board, gets special Medusa rewards! Also, she wants to do what just happened to us. Medusa wants to try a raid, and she wants everyone to train and get ready for that, too."

She scanned the group, letting them absorb all that she'd said up to this point. She really hadn't anticipated talking so much, but there was a lot she wanted to get out there, a lot of information to process, and she wanted Insomnia to be on board and do well. She didn't know how other packs did it, but she figured the more information the better so that everyone was on the same page. "Medusa is almost done, then everyone can go eat and celebrate!" Breathe in, breathe out. Now it was time to get a little more serious. She glanced at her companions, then back to the others. Her gaze lingered on Cryptis for a heartbeat or two, and then Akuma and Enki, Rue and Morticia and Taz, and then back to everyone as a whole. "Medusa wants us to train with another pack. Corbie is nice, and her pack has good wolves that can help us train. Rue is going to train with a healer there, so she wants to give uh..." She clicked her tongue as she tried to remember the word. "Opportunity." Umbra murmured, "Oh, yes! Opportunity! For others to train with them, too! Insomnia was also going to go to a festival with Valhalla, buuuutt Valhalla is not there anymore. Sad." She frowned for a moment before continuing. "If Insomnia wolves find Valhalla wolves, then offer them to come to Insomnia if they want until they can go back home. Valhalla and Avalon are friends. They are always welcome."

Now to approach the other side of the coin. "Medusa also knows that other packs are not friends. Those are mostly the ones who were mad when Medusa won Habari from Recluse. The pack with the big stripey guys are not our friends. Eemm...Armani? Armando?" She shrugged, "Medusa does not want her wolves around them unless it is to spy, or if Insomnia is raiding them. Big alpha guy came here once and was rude, so they are not welcome. Medusa will not be happy if she finds her wolves are going to them, and then she will have to do things she does not want to do." Her gaze flicked over to Triss for a moment. She didn't know what all happened with her situation there, but she did not trust that the armada boy was telling the whole truth. And with her being unable to speak, made Medusa even more suspicious and wary. They gave her absolutely no reason to trust them. Clearing her throat, she continued. "Insomnia is also not friends with the Recluse family pack, and maybe won't be, she dunno. And also, definitely not Castle Pack. He said so when Medusa won Habari. Other packs that Medusa has not yet talked to we will see, but those three are on not Insomnia friends list." She really hoped that the message was loud and clear. She loved her wolves, they were family to her, and she hoped they respected her enough to follow the rules and requests she set.

"Okay, Medusa is mostly done. Does Insomnia have anything they want to say or ask before we eat?" She had spoken enough by this point, but there had been a lot to unpack, and she wanted to make sure they were all on the same page, or address any concerns that came up, etc etc etc.

OOC// mandatory 2nd rounds due by Nov. 5th! No post order! Mandatory responses for promoted wolves to acknowledge, deny, or request a different rank! Any other comments/questions/concerns may also be addressed, others who have nothing to really say are free to post for feast stuff and/or make separate threads to mingle with their packmates for the feast!


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:

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1. Chaos Mode [pack meeting & feast] Dancefloor of the Gods 12:04 AM, 10-03-2023 01:58 PM, 02-01-2024