
Oh hail no




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
10-20-2023, 08:39 AM

Something strange was happening as of late. Whether others noticed or not did not matter to the boy. It mattered to him that he kept the bamboo safe. Though he was still young and not quite fully grown, that also would not matter to him. He would try his best. Learn what he could and figure out the mystery that plagued his mind and surely the Kaicho's too. Which would be why the boy left the safety of the Bamboo Maze that day. Slipping from the bamboo as soon as the sun began to rise over the horizon. So far, the weather appeared to be pleasant. Clear blue skies and warm summer weather. Perfect for traveling to a place he hadn't been before.

Taking a direct path from the maze to the volcanic lake that lay dormant and directly east of the oaks, he was able to stay safe within pack lands until he reached the border. Hesitating for a moment, he looks up at the top and considers if it's the best thing to do. It was one place they had yet to check out. What if whatever was going on was coming from a cavern inside the volcano? Or slinking from the depths of the lake that Hattori said lay at the bottom of the crater?

Setting forth, Akito takes a slow jog up a thin trail along the volcanic slopes. The weather is pleasant, but that's not his focus - for now. His head is lowered to the ground, nose twitching as he tried to scent anything. There was something faint, but not much. He was feeling hopeless. Barely aware of his surroundings. Frustration laces his expression until he feels the temperature drop. His paws stop, muscles flexing, chin lifting to look up at the sky. Clouds roll in, a few droplets hit his face as his eyes scrunch up. When did the storm roll in? Looking to the left, he looks into the drop below where a crystal clear lake shimmers. Was it the volcano?

Concern flickers in his chest, but it is soon forgotten when a familiar voice calls out. His eyes move across the landscape until they stop on the form of Beau. His ears press forward and he approaches the man, it is all anyone really gets from the boy in regards to receiving any acknowledgment. "Beau," Akito replies as he comes to a stop before the man. He notices how the rain begins to pick up and the wind presses harder against his side. Strange for the middle of summer, but he wouldn't question it. "What brings you to Auster?" The boy questions, shifting his weight back and forth, feeling slightly antsy.

wc: 409 = 716/1500

akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.

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1. Oh hail no Brimstone Lake 08:31 AM, 10-09-2023 06:03 PM, 11-08-2023