
An Un-pheasant Situation

[ Halloween Thread ]



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
10-20-2023, 06:36 PM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2023, 05:58 PM by Varushka. Edited 4 times in total.)

After a long silence, the flitter of birds returned to the area along with their relaxed chirping. Varushka rose from her haunches, sniffing the air only to notice the scent of birds. The glowing green eyes watched her through the long dry grasses. It was time they revealed themselves to her. Three lanky, curly furred, and wolf-like creatures emerged from the long brown grass stems leaving them quivering in their wake. The three stared at her with their oddly similar green and almost glowing gazes. One, a pale and excitable creature wagged its tail as it smiled at her. A rather melancholic looking one with blue tinged fur dipped its head slowly and blinked at Varushka. Lastly, a dark and abrasive one with an unenthusiastic look and furrowed brow.

Having been quite startled by their sudden appearance and all together put off by their lack of explanation and general creepiness, Varushka hesitated. Yellow eyes round with alarm and uncertainty. What did they need her help with? The three just continued to watch Varushka, if she took a step back they took a step toward her. Their green gaze burned into her, and she wanted to run away. Yet, something in the mournful gaze of the blueish wolf creature made her feel sorry for it. Maybe it was something innocent and she was the only one they could find nearby to help them? Varushka stepped forward, her new found interest in the situation urging her on. ”Who are you?” she asked the three of them. None of the, replied. Varushka turned to the sorrowful guide, ”You seem the most distraught, while all three of you are so different, yet you also share an aura of excitement. What do you need me to do?” Varushka wasn’t really one to help strangers, but perhaps this was something her alpha had planned on her coming across when she was sent here to hunt pheasants. Maybe it’s a test? Even if it was just a coincidence, she couldn’t deny the sad look on its face. Now she was determined to help.

[Varushka chose the Medium Route]


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1. An Un-pheasant Situation Rustling Thicket 09:20 PM, 10-17-2023 05:17 AM, 05-01-2024