
speedy paws

race for navigation points!



Master Hunter (250)

Master Navigator (245)

2 Years
Dire wolf
10-21-2023, 08:41 AM

Pack scents always made his nose wrinkle. They were strong, acrid, and horrendous. Something he probably would never get used to. He avoided them as much as possible. While he stuck around some nearby areas such as the garden or the beaver dams, he never dared cross those lines. From what he had seen, they had wolves patrolling often and by the shining metal strapped to their backs, they were wolves he didn't want to mess with. As much as he wanted to hunt rabbits through the plains, he always skidded to a stop once he reached that fine line.

Today was perhaps the first day he broke his rule. He wandered casually along the border in search of his next meal. Deep red eyes scanned the grassy terrain as it shifted from bright green blades to tall and yellow grasses that scratched along the skin. Minding his own business if you please, just admiring the scenery, looking around for a hopeful game trail he could follow. Until a howl from a young-sounding wolf caught his ears. Drifting over from the plains that tempted him so. Pausing, he looks in the direction where a grey blob stood not that far away. The call sounded interesting... a race by the sounds of it.

Fuck it. Wilder thinks it as his paws are moving his over the territory border and across the plains. He picks up an easy lope until he approaches the younger girl. He looks at her and then looks at the sticks she has set up. "I'll race you," he states simply as he holds a neutral and relaxed stance, his tail hanging low but wagging a few times as his gaze draws back to the smaller wolf.


Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. speedy paws The Starlit Plains 04:15 PM, 10-05-2023 03:13 PM, 01-21-2024