
Battle Scars[Demonio]


03-09-2013, 04:47 PM

The massive dame could take physical pain, had felt far worse than what had been bestowed upon her now. She had cracked bones, dislocated joints, received gashes and wounds that far surpassed these, her pelt was riddled with scars beneath the thick of her fur, but that God damned coyote had ripped through the muscle in her leg, which meant she couldn't bear weight upon the limb. Her old pack would have snapped her neck, killed her for obtaining such a crippling injury and moved on, but she had no one here and she could not walk, which meant she would lay here until the next patrol came by...if nothing else found her first.

A scent caught her nose, one that she had memorized like her own body and she lifted her head, managing to sit up enough to peer into the woods. He drew close to her and instinctively she tried to rise to greet him. His visage appeared between the trees, a hare clamped tightly between his jaws, but the corpse quickly fell as he caught site of her. Her jaws spread apart to speak his name but she never got the chance, his eyes had locked upon the fleeing coyotes and he was gone. A machine of power and muscle, thundering after them. Desdemona, despite her pain, smiled. It was exactly what she would have done if the roles had been reversed. She felt at peace with her wounds, her tongue gently lapping away the blood and debris from her leg. Demonio was here, which meant she would be alright.

She rested her head back against the dirt, her eyes fluttering shut as she focused on evening out her breath and forcing her runaway heart to calm itself. She relaxed allowing her body to begin healing. She had no doubts in her mind that the two coyotes would be simple for Demonio to finish off, she had broken ones shoulder and the other was at the very least, wounded. he would eradicate them in an instant. The thought of him calmed her. She allowed her conscious to drift in and out of sleep. She didn't have to be on high alert, Demonio would protect her. She trusted him completely.

He returned swiftly to his side, maw covered in the vengeance he had extracted for her and she lifted her head once more, smiling weakly for him as he attended her. Tears spilled from his maw and she whined. Her voice soft and gentle, she extended her neck, pink tongue escaping her jaws and gently lifting the tears from his maw, she hated the look in his eyes, never wished to see it again. She groomed his face with gentle touches before he moved to her uninjured side and with his help, she was able to stand. She caught his ear playfully between her teeth and tugged ever so gently, wincing slightly from the pain in both her maw and her leg.

"I am alright Demonio. I will heal." She murmured against the shell of his ear, nuzzling his cheek with the top of her nose before the set back to limping towards Tortuga. It was a slow process, but the majority of her wounds had stopped bleeding and were beginning to form solid clots, it was only her leg that caused her a problem. "Thank you, my love." She murmured too him once they crossed the border. A great sense of relief washing over her now that she knew she was safe.
