
If you go out in the woods tonight...

probably mature



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Extra large
10-21-2023, 10:58 AM
Battle not with monsters;
Lest ye become a monster!

It was too soon to hunt the male, she was not with her brother and needed easier prey. Easier hard would it be to take the male down? Probably impossible for her alone. Was anything impossible? No, but there was a lack of confidence in herself just yet. Creature continued her unblinking stare after she asked his question back to him, the buds finally kicking in and making her almost zone out on him. Again, saliva pooled in her mouth as a strong hunger kicked in. Reclined on her haunches, Creature watched as the male bristled visibly toward her. Another flash of teeth in a wicked smile was given, this one lingering a bit before she wiped the expression clean off her face. Once again she stared blankly at the male, blood-red eyes not moving from the bright yellow of his.

Yes, he would be a pretty coat. His growl was not missed, nor was the gentle step he took backward, making a light crunching of snow as he did so. He tried to stand taller, but Creature was used to males much larger than she was. Her brother is one of them. Where was her brother? He should be here with her, instead, he left her lost and hungry without thinking that his sister might miss him. 'I don't believe you can give me the help I need...' Creature wasn't surprised by his answer, but she did wonder if he missed her meaning. She was not looking to help him, she was looking to eat him. He tried to appear threatening, but the step he had taken backward was all Creature needed to know he was not as scary as he tried to look. She let an unusually long silence stretch between them, chewing on another bud and waiting.

The witch was not easily cowed, and she would not be intimidated by a male who was only a scant two inches taller than herself. Her stare was unwavering, hunger slipping into those demonic red eyes as she licked her lips. Her stomach growled audibly, probably loud enough for the stranger to hear. A howl rang out in the distance, making Creature howl unexpectedly. When she stopped she suddenly moved fast as lightning toward the male. She didn't come close enough to attack, but she lunged in his direction with a hissing growl. "Run!" She yelled it at him, hoping to scare him or at least freak him out enough that he would run. She wanted to chase him in some sick game, having grown bored and high in his presence.

Word count: 432 words. || "Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: ---
Thread with caution: This wolf is capable of horrendous acts of violence and frequently enjoys eating other wolves; even family is not safe. She is highly unstable and will not hold herself back from snapping. Very mature rated, very brutal, be afraid. Be very afraid. As her brother, Preacher may crash any thread regardless of label or tag.

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1. If you go out in the woods tonight... Soulless Forest 11:57 AM, 10-08-2023 09:42 AM, 01-05-2024