
everything falls



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-04-2013, 01:56 PM
Epiphron and Maverick

An unconscious sigh left Epiphron's lips. She didn't want to weigh her husband down with more worries, but this was inevitable -- and though she knew blame would do no good, they would both share equally in guilt. It was awful timing, but that didn't change the facts; that they would be having children again, sooner than she had expected. This was only adding to the growing list of things they had to worry about, things they were potentially doing wrong. Had they chosen wrong in allowing Syrinx to take warriors from her to aid them in battle? It was the respectful thing to do, but was it really right? They had yet to return home, and the sinking in her chest told her it was not going to be a good outcome, even if somehow those wolves returned here.

"Again..." she said, somewhat breathless. It was hard to believe, and yet it was becoming very clear to her that it was not a mere illusion. "They will be winter children," Epiphron explained, quietly going over the time in her head. She had yet to show that she was pregnant, but certainly would begin to in the next week or so. "I have no idea how many there will be." There was a dark part of her that almost, barely, hoped none of them would survive -- but she would never admit this allowed, or let herself truly hope for such a thing. Instead she would bite her tongue and stare quietly at Maverick. She had nothing else to say. Where there was supposed to be joy, she simply felt a vague sense of dread. "What did you need to tell me?"