
What Doesn’t Kill You

For Khranbari


10-21-2023, 10:20 PM
It’s not like he had been avoiding Varushka. More so giving her the space she needed to find herself within the Valta lands. Khran knew eventually they would have to talk. He was no longer that silent man that arrived in Boreas so many months ago. Thanks to those whom he’d met, the Raitas grew into something far more different than what his father beat into him. To say he wasn’t the slightest bit amused at all of it would have been an understatement.

As per usual when awakening from a night’s well rested sleep, the monochromatic male found himself patrolling the grounds. The borders were quite quiet as of late. Occasional prey slipping over the lines to nibble on the vegetation they held within their lands. But, nothing overly too confident like the bear a month prior. Thankfully.

His paws trotted at a fair speed. Nose pointed to the snowed earth in hopes to catch something entertaining. He needed to build up his endurance and muscle. Always inside the lands of Valta, Khran knew it was time to venture out and away to further inspect the surrounding areas. The serpent passage further down the wandering river being a perfect area to stretch out their name. He took a moment to look in that direction. A noise off to his left capturing attention to drift in direction of what he now smelled to be Varushka.

Her perfume having been ignored unknowingly due to his nose being busy doing other things. Odd. Quickly, he turned direction and headed t’wards where the aroma originated from. In hopes she was okay.

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1. What Doesn’t Kill You Monument Rapids 09:59 PM, 10-06-2023 12:42 AM, 07-03-2024