
delirium tremendous


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
10-21-2023, 10:43 PM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2023, 10:43 PM by Cifarelli. Edited 1 time in total.)

"Is that right??" Now Cifarelli became completely intrigued after the situation was described in great detail. His tongue gliding across sharp canines. A smirk pulling at his lips in a sickening sweet way. "Did you know…" He’d risen to his paws then. Watching the actions of Auriga with a short chuckle. This Uncle Rhazien’s words turning the sound into a quick burst of laughter. Though, the noise itself came out haunting and dark. "Females don’t like to be pressured. Besides…" A single paw rose before coming to down hard on one of the coward’s paws. Snapping the ligament easily. His breath fanning the bastard’s still working ear as he whisper. "My sister’s dick is bigger than yours."

He took no time in gripping onto the wolf’s other ear. Tugging and shaking his head to rip the appendage half way off. He didn’t want the poor bastard to die just yet. While his sister was getting all the fun, Cifa wanted to join as well. Turning to the nether regions where the male’s presence jewels resides. "You don’t need these." There was no remorse for what he did in that moment. The lava below roared with a need to be fed and oh! Would the Saxe male answer soon.

Nails dragged along the fleshy surface of his testicles. Piercing through until blood decorated his right paw. So many options to choose from. Cifarelli couldn’t just pick one. However, what chose did he have when teeth ripped away the swaying ball sack and tossed it into the heated pool below. "Whoops."

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1. delirium tremendous Hell's River 01:37 AM, 10-12-2023 03:17 AM, 02-13-2024