



11-04-2013, 02:42 PM

Muscles coiled and smoothed beneath silky fur as the man placed himself above his golden vixen. Heavy and large paws flawlessly landed on each side of her head, and with him above her, she was practically trapped helplessly beneath him. Just the way he liked it. As he leaned forward she did not retreat from his touch, no, she embraced it. She had gone down without even batting an eye, as if she had been trained to do this. And to think he believed his pretty little vixen was a virgin. Displeasing.

"Usted se acuesta sobre su espalda tan f?cilmente, es como si a ti te han hecho esto antes, quiz?s mi vixen no es tan golden despu?s de todo?" (you lay on your back so easily, it's as if you have done this before. perhaps my vixen isn't so golden after all?) lyrics would trip sinfully as a delicate paw would kiss his broad chest. Lips would crease and curl into a smirk as her crouched down further. He wanted to press his full weight against her, he wanted her pressed beneath him and her only way out being his consent. "Do not worry, a king can still gorge on the finest of silver." No, she was not yet worthy of being called his gold, because for one she was tainted, and for two she was not completely devoted to him. She whispered a name, but it was not his. He assumed she was comparing him to the god figure named Apollo, but he did not care. He was his own king, and he would not be compared to another- others would be compared to him, and he would rule number one every time. "No, Kusugra." He would whisper into her delicate left ear as he corrected her.

Chest would begin to vibrate thunderously as her heat mingled with his. His chest was aiming to press against hers, and if she did not fluster and his intentions went through then she would feel the tingly vibrations on her own chest. A sensual feeling no doubt, something that this woman had probably never felt before. It was truly captivating. "I called for you because you were the one I wanted. Dipped in gold, plated with silver, embedded with emeralds and woven by the gods- how could I not crave the best?" Lyrics would fall so effortlessly off of his tongue, each word soaked in venom. Every word, every move, every breath from here on out was dangerous, and she needed to know that. Tongue would roll out between ebony lips as he attempted to wrap it around her left ear. Warm breath exhaled as he intended it to tickle the small hairs within her ear, which would intensify the pleasure. He wanted her to squirm. "now tell me- what are you going to do for me?"
