
What Doesn’t Kill You

For Khranbari



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
10-22-2023, 06:44 PM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2023, 06:44 PM by Varushka. Edited 1 time in total.)

Dark brown ears caught the sound of paw steps beating in her direction, she froze to her spot the water splashing at the river bank wall below her. Had the creature detected her and was now on its way toward her? Hackles raised, she stood her ground. There wasn’t anywhere to run as her back was up to the river and whatever it was, was headed right for her. A large silvery grey form flickered through the snowy terrain, her nostrils flared to pick up the scent. It was Khranbari. His thick grey fur ruffled and snow stuck to his legs and belly fur. It was clear he had been out patrolling as usual. He had given her a bit of a spook, but she was relieved that the source of the mystery sound was now revealed.

”What were you doing out there? I could hear you scratching on the trees like a cougar sharpening its claws.” was her first words to him. Her greeting was a simple and respectful dip of her head to a higher ranking male. Her yellow eyes looked him up and down, and she tilted her head. ”That sound.. was you right?” she questioned him. After a moment of consideration, the sound she heard was coming from further up stream. She only believed it was Khran because it had stopped the moment she heard him approaching. She gave her brown fur a shake, and her eyes scanned the forest around them cautiously expecting something else to jump out at her.


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