
Let's start again




Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Navigator (80)

5 Years

Pride - DemisexualThe Ooze ParticipantWordy
10-22-2023, 11:10 PM
The smile that adorned the Ashen princess' face was one of the greatest and simplest joys Kumiho had in life. A man of simple means and desires, coming from a background of only what you could pull from the earth and the sea, he had grown up with a great emphasis on the joys of family and friendship. Seeing Kitsune happy was his favorite thing. Seeing her happy again was an almost painful reminder to him of what he had almost lost, and a constant reminder to never go venturing off like he had alone again. He wasn't just living for himself anymore where he could be as reckless as he wanted; he had someone else who cared deeply for his wellbeing. Thoughts of Kit sitting and waiting on the shore for him to come back would forever haunt him.

Kitsune wasted no time asserting her regal authority to breach his personal space, as she had often done in their time together. It had never bothered Iho before and that wouldn't start now. He gave her his trademark lopsided smile with his usual confident flair as she came up to him, sure he looked more like a roughhewn privateer than the amateur sailor who had washed up on her shores all those years ago. His blue eyes still sparkled with that liveliness for adventure as they always had, despite the addition of a couple extra scars on his chest and the broken end of his icy antler that had never fully grown back. Kitsune, however, had only grown more beautiful and comely in their time apart, fully completing her transformation into the stately and majestic princess she was born to be.

Kit asked about his plans for the day and if he was ready to go see her mother to regain his position in the pack. "Ah, well, I thought I might tidy up around here for a bit, then go for a jaunt around the active volcano to the east, maybe so pick a fight with the Raiders and start a war... Y'know, just casual everyday things." He flashed his teeth in a roguish grin. Of course he was going to tease her. "Nah, no real plans to speak of. I'm ready to go throw myself at the mercy of your mom. Although I would like to get started on rebuilding my raft at some point. I believe I still owe a debt of sailing lessons once the weather gets nicer." He shot a wink to his fiery fox of a princess.


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1. Let's start again Cryer's Ravine 12:15 AM, 09-13-2023 11:01 AM, 04-10-2024