
Chaos Mode [pack meeting & feast]

Replies due Oct. 13th!



Intermediate Healer (45)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Extra small
10-23-2023, 12:48 AM

Triss’s ears flicked up, curious and excited as promotions were mentioned. Would she be getting a real rank? Her tail slowly lowered a little more with each name mentioned, until it was clear that a rank wasn’t for her. Not yet, at least. She was however given a mentor - her own mother, so nothing new there. She loved her mother of course, but working with someone new might have been exciting.

She was set to attention, listening to Medusa speak as she continued on - but she was still caught by surprise when the older woman mentioned Armada. Armada seemed to get a very special mention in fact, above and beyond any other pack. Was that because of her? Her ears flattened to her skull as Medusa told them they were not to associate with anyone in that pack. So far, her only friends outside Insomnia had come from Armada. She thought of Spider, and, Warden… and Crux. She liked her friends. As she sat there, listening, a little trickly of rebellion sunk in for the first time. She was starting to think this was some punishment for saving Crux. For being saved by him. No, she wouldn’t cut contact with her friends. If that put her at odds with Medusa… well, it would hurt. But it hurt her what Medusa was saying and doing right now. Did her own feelings not matter to her Godmother?


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1. Chaos Mode [pack meeting & feast] Dancefloor of the Gods 12:04 AM, 10-03-2023 01:58 PM, 02-01-2024