
not the sort of shrimp you wanna mess with




Master Hunter (250)

Master Navigator (245)

2 Years
Dire wolf
10-23-2023, 09:32 AM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2023, 06:21 AM by Wilder. Edited 3 times in total.)
He had spent the night in a thicket of grapevines. Something about the way the foliage intertwined itself to create a roomy but also dim interior enticed the boy. Managing to slink in through a small opening, he had curled up against a tree and eaten grapes for dinner. Not his favorite, but definitely not his least favorite either. With a somewhat full belly and protection from the elements, the boy was able to slide into a light sleep. When he awoke the next morning to gentle sunlight streaming through the canopy, his stomach was already rumbling again. With how quickly his long legs were growing and the bulkiness of his muscle and leaning puppy fat hung from his frame, he needed more than just a branch full of grapes to satiate him.

Stretching away the feeling of sleep, Wilder slipped out of the confines of the Grapevine Cathedral to make his way northwest toward the shores of Auster. His trajectory would be the coastline - as much as he disliked being out in the open beneath the sun. He could already hear the distant slapping of waves as they crashed against the sandy coast. Surely he would be able to catch something of worth out there! As he approached, his bright vermillion eyes caught sight of something unusual. Where sand and shells would normally be was water. Had that been why the waves sounded louder than normal? His brow scrunched ever so slightly as he turned to look up the coast to where an inlet fed water out into the ocean. Maybe he would have better luck over there!

Hesitating at the border of whatever pack he was smelling, Wilder stared at the creek that appeared to be practically overflowing. The rumble of his stomach pushed him over the border and soon he forgot that he was even trespassing. Instead, he focused on the task at hand. Food. Approaching the overflowing creek with long strides and sure steps, he doesn't slow down until his front paws are ankle-deep in the creek's water. Looking up and down the creek, he doesn't notice anyone yet and figures that he can probably get away with some hunting before anyone notices.

Having not perfected his technique of fishing, Wilder stands still as he peers into the clear waters. Lowering his muzzle until his whiskers are brushing against the cool surface, he watches and waits. With how deep and fast the water was, there surely had to be something! Some small fish zip by him and he knows they aren't worth even attempting. It isn't until he notices something scuttling along the bottom does he try. Eyeing the slim and long thing with what appeared to be claws and really long whiskers, Wilder watches it until it stops and starts to shuffle its way into a larger piece of wood. Dipping his nose into the water, he opens his mouth and tries to catch it.

What happens instead is pain suddenly radiating across his nose. Pulling back and out of the water, the yearling stumbles across the grass and lands on his butt. In the process, he let out a yelp of pain that quietly echoed through the trees. He blinks tears from his eyes as he lifts his paw to his sore nose. "What the hell was that?" Wilder mumbled to himself as he recovered from the shock of being punched by a mantis shrimp.

Approaching the water once more, he crouches down until he is lying on his belly with his legs tucked under himself. Lowering his chin closer to the muddy ground, he peers into the clear waters of the creek. With the water being so high and rushing in from the ocean, its scent is salty and sharp. No wonder ocean creatures were able to survive this far inland! Staring with his bright vermillion eyes, Wilder watched them with both ears perked and muscles tensed. He would be ready if that mean creature punched him again. While patience wasn't his best virtue, he would try. He wanted to figure out what had socked him in the face.

As his body stilled and only his breath would barely ruffle the surface of the water, he finally saw them. Quite a few of them actually. Large shrimp with big opal-colored eyes and beautiful colors of red and green that shone under the surface through the reflecting sun. Amazed, Wilder couldn't tell if he was mad that such a tiny thing had caused so much pain or not. Maybe he could be quick enough to catch one...

Lifting a paw slowly, he waited with bated breath. When one of the shrimp scuttled out from under its hiding spot, Wilder dipped his paw into the water at the shrimp. Once more he is met with a striking punch to one of his toes. A frustrated noise leaves him as he retracts his paw and gives it a shake. "You little shits," he rumbles under his breath as he lets out a growl. Now he was determined to get one!

Watching as the shrimp retreated back under the rocks and hollowed out logs to their hiding spots, Wilder didn't care anymore. He was much larger than them so he would not be bested by them! Standing up, he hovers on the shore over the water. Readying himself with a deep breath and tensing of his muscles, he lunges into the chest-deep water and shoves the rocks in different directions. Sand and dirt cloud the water making it impossible to see anything. Instead of being successful, he is, for a third time, punched in the toe, but multiple toes this time. Yelps leave his mouth as he springs from the water and back to the safety of the shore. His ears pin back and his lips pull up into a snarl as he lets out a growl. "Stupid shrimp," he hisses under his breath. Feeling defeated and frustrated, Wilder begins to travel farther inland along the creek. Maybe there was a pond he could find with actual fish he could catch.
wc: 1014

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1. not the sort of shrimp you wanna mess with Cattail Creek 09:32 AM, 10-23-2023 07:05 PM, 01-31-2024