
Loathe the way They Light Candles in Rome


The Syndicate

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Samhain 2022
10-23-2023, 12:15 PM

It had taken Sephiran a little bit longer than he had anticipated after calling him to attention. Though even still, what his momentary travelling companion did still took him by surprise. After offering assurance that the wait wouldn't be much longer, she took the cover she had carried off her shoulders, flattened it out over the ground, shot him a grin as she settled on top of it. He couldn't help the rise of his hackles in reflex, though he forced himself to look away from her to curb the anticipation that began to rise. What good was a gift that had already been unwrapped? Though, whether or not it was her intention to tempt her own fate or not, he wasn't sure. She shot him a question, though he didn't have time to answer it before Sephiran came into sight. If he heard the girl's initial comment, the other brute didn't lead on like it, moving on to the more important questions. What? and Why?

Even still, Aresenn couldn't help but answer for himself. "It's a little surprising to me that you'd so casually refer to yourself as dirty work." He answered lowly, though in doing so, maintained his half-sided grin. In the same breath, he quickly returned his attention to his friend, speaking with a little more volume as he went on. "Quite possibly, Sephiran." He responded with conviction. Though, unlike Absinth, he didn't feel any sort of responsibility towards this girl. She was on her own. Something like recognition crossed Seph's face, and in doing so, he explained why. Interesting. When asking who she was meant for, Aresenn offered a haphazzard shrug. "I have no interest in the matter, but when she introduced herself to me as Elysia Saxe, I thought you might." He finished, delivering the punchline to his joke with the amusement clearly written in his expression. He allowed the other male a moment to process the information, and in doing so, took it upon himself to provide a bit more detail for the stranger in the conversation. "Elysia, this is Sephiran Saxe." Ultimately explaining why his joke had him so amused. Rekindling or fallout, he wasn't entirely sure what was to come next. Though whatever it was, he was eager to observe.

"Aresenn" & "Sephiran"

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1. Loathe the way They Light Candles in Rome The Polar Sound 09:36 PM, 10-16-2023 01:56 AM, 12-29-2023