
Loathe the way They Light Candles in Rome


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

10-23-2023, 03:20 PM
She awaited an answer but then came the man who’s scent was on Aresenn to begin with. Lazily she glanced over him, ignoring his comment to focus on Aresenn again. “What can i say, i'm simply full of surprises” She practically purred at him. “Besides dirty work is my favorite kind of work Aresenn” She laughed, returning a grin towards him. She didn’t bother to appear anything less that amused and bored, no fear in her voice. Though an itch of irritation began to rise beneath her exterior as they continued to talk about her like she wasn’t laying right here. She rolled her eyes standing up slowly, “if you're going to discuss me like i'm not here, i'd be happy to leave you to your… sausage fest” To emphasize her point, she bent down to pick up her bed shaking it off before flinging it over her shoulder.

Elysia was about to leave the boys to their jerk off before Aresenn’s words reached her ears. Raising her eyebrow she turned her attention to the purple man now. Her eyes roaming over his frame. Finally looking at him, even at her first meeting with him, shed ignored him. She’d opted to keep her eyes closed during that interaction. But now she finally saw him in all his Amethyst and Golden glory. But he was still an odd looking Saxe to her. But she knew their family was vast, hell her own mother has Six other older children. But whom did he sire from?

Now her interest was peaked, She dropped her bed once again. Moving towards the amethyst man, circling him now. She sniffed at him, studying the way his pelt melted together. The way it draped over his large frame and how his fangs were bringing a tickle of memory to her mind. And yet he looked nothing like her mother, nor her father. Both of which we Saxe’s.

“Tell me Sephiran, Whom is your Sire? Who is your GrandSire?” She tilted her head as she stopped face to face with him.

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1. Loathe the way They Light Candles in Rome The Polar Sound 09:36 PM, 10-16-2023 01:56 AM, 12-29-2023