
If you go out in the woods tonight...

probably mature



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Extra large
10-23-2023, 07:10 PM
Battle not with monsters;
Lest ye become a monster!

She had wanted him to run from her, that was her favorite game to play with her prey. Unfortunately, that did not happen. She didn't get to chase him, instead, he lunged back at her and tried to grab her by the shoulders. Backpedaling away from him, she gained a couple of scratches from his attempt but ultimately escaped his clutches - even if it was only barely. She lunged back at him, aiming her fangs at the right side of his face, hoping to find a purchase on his cheek to keep him from biting at her anymore. Those fangs could do some damage if they landed a bite, and she hoped to avoid that.

Creature was no stranger to this game, she and Preacher often played it at mealtime. Her tail waved happily behind her as the violence broke out, despite the mismatched growls that came from the demonic witch. It was his blood she wanted to taste, his coat she wanted to make a gift out of. But it was too soon to hunt him, no, now she only wanted to get away. Gilgamesh made her miss her brother even more than she already did. Preacher would have had her on her back already, and she would be begging him for more of that delicious pain.

Word count: 218 words. || "Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: Bleh, will be better next time. Bird brain is mush at night XD

Creature vs Gilgamesh for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Healer
Thread with caution: This wolf is capable of horrendous acts of violence and frequently enjoys eating other wolves; even family is not safe. She is highly unstable and will not hold herself back from snapping. Very mature rated, very brutal, be afraid. Be very afraid. As her brother, Preacher may crash any thread regardless of label or tag.

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1. If you go out in the woods tonight... Soulless Forest 11:57 AM, 10-08-2023 09:42 AM, 01-05-2024