
come get your.... drugs

tincture sell out



Advanced Fighter (100)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Trick 2019
10-23-2023, 07:25 PM

She sat down as Voodoo turned around to grab something that wasn't among the selection in front of her. She tilted her head slightly to the side with curiosity, and then Voodoo placed a small container in front of her and explained what it had. She absentmindedly nodded in approval. She hadn't thought to make a mixture like that to help with her aches and pains. And it would likely even help her sleep better. She figured that as she got older, it's be easier to sleep...but clearly it hadn't been the case for her. The spirits often visited her in her dreams and so her sleep was often restless, unfortunately. She took the container and put it into the makeshift sack she carried. "Thank you, I am sure it will help." She murmured as she nodded her thanks.

Her ears tilted forward in the smallest of movements when Voodoo finally answered. She didn't blame the woman for taking her time in answering. After all, Pandora rarely, if ever, mentioned her blood ties, either. When Voodoo finished speaking, Pandora's lips curled up in a thin smirk and a bit of a dry laugh. "I should've known. I had a feeling, but I didn't want to assume. It seems you and I are not so different...she is my sister. Though I have distanced myself from the family over the years." She frowned and pursed her lips. "My values are also vastly different from theirs. While it may sound... prejudiced, or what have you, I did not agree with the way they ruled and took in every weak link and whimpering soul they found. Making friends with slaves and the like...that was not how my father ruled. But I digress, I suppose things change. I can get past things like that...however, what I really disagreed with was my sister and brother whelped a litter of pups together. That in itself was something the spirits were not happy about. No idea what became of them, nor do I care. I stopped caring after Hannibal disappeared yet again." She said with disgust.


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1. come get your.... drugs Fenrir's Maw 01:33 PM, 08-16-2023 09:26 AM, 05-05-2024