
Chaos Mode [pack meeting & feast]

Replies due Oct. 13th!



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An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
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Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
10-24-2023, 12:26 AM
Enki sits with his father and is brother, part of him wishing to speak and ask how they doing but he does not trusting his voice right now. Instead, he sits quietly, waiting for the others to filter in so that the meeting may begin. Suddenly, a flash of color catches his attention and the boy slowly turns his head to find Tazzy rushing toward him. Excitement paints the other boy’s face and his tail wags happily as he shows off something in his mouth that he made… for Enki. Surprise flickers across his features as he takes it all, the emotions that have been slowly chipping away at the dam sudden slam against it with surprising force, breaking through and shattering the barricade.

The blank and empty expression that has been normal for Enki since he had heard the news of his mother’s death breaks to reveal genuine gratitude and heartfelt joy. Without warning, the pink boy leans down and reaches one long, slender arm toward Tazzy as he wraps it effortlessly around the smaller boy and pulls him toward his taller frame. His movements are fluid and precise, the opposite of how he has been acting for so long. Carefully, he envelopes the thoughtful boy in a warm, loving embrace, folding his body over the smaller boy as he squeezes his eyes shut and just enjoys the hug.

It means the world to the broken boy that someone actually thought of him and took the time to make something just for him. As the last wolf appears and it becomes evident that the meeting is about to start, Enki releases his hold on Tazzy and pulls away, ghosting a kiss across the colorful boy’s crown as he softly murmurs, “Thank you so much Tazzy.” A smile, huge and bright lights up the pink boy’s features as he gratefully takes the offered rabbit, pulling the object close to his chest with one leg as he wraps the other around Tazzy and anchors the boy to his side.

Happy tears shine in the corners of his eyes as Medusa begins to speak and his chest puffs out in pride as she names him a Fear. While Enki had come here as part of a bargain to release his littermates, the boy is quickly finding more reasons to be alive here than he ever found alone out in the world. He will protect Tazzy and Medusa and all the other inhabits of Insomnia not because he has to but because he wants to. Yes, Insomnia has quickly become the boy’s home.

The dam that had blocked his emotions is slowly disappearing and a warm smile is given to Medusa as she talks about helping him train to fight. Yes, the world is certainly becoming a brighter place for Enki. Talk of a festival has him grinning down at Tazzy with excitement, hoping that the boy will accompany him when it starts. Medusa winds down, opening the floor for the Insomniacs to ask questions and he speaks up, his voice, for once infused with life as he says, “Thank you, Medusa. I won’t let you down!"

Giving Tazzy a gentle squeeze, he releases the smaller boy from his embrace but not without an affectionate nuzzle against his cheek. Nodding to the food, he softly asks, “Want to join me for some food?” Head cocks to the side as he offers a gentle smile, the stuffed rabbit still clutched lovingly against to his chest.

"Tazzy" & "Enki"
code © skelle 2023

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1. Chaos Mode [pack meeting & feast] Dancefloor of the Gods 12:04 AM, 10-03-2023 01:58 PM, 02-01-2024