


11-04-2013, 08:55 PM

Typhon had little sense of where he was. His world was cloaked in darkness and confusion, perpetual nothingness that threatened to swallow him whole. He was vaguely aware that it was daytime, and that the sun was quite high in the sky. The feeling of the sun against his dark coat was unmistakable. And yet everything else was hazy and unwelcoming, and he found himself creeping through the world as alone and bitter as always.

He had been wandering for some time, and his paws had become accustomed to the familiar sand beneath him. The air was dry, but not overly warm. Fall was upon them, even in the more southern parts of the land, and winter would quickly follow. Still he felt parched, and his nose would twitch as he attempted to direct himself in the direction of something to quench his thirst.

As the moisture in the air grew stronger, he relaxed slightly. He would not die here in this desert today, and he was briefly grateful. The stench in the air was strange, but not of a canine. Some kind of prey, perhaps? The water audibly rippled, and yet he continued forth, searching for the source. Before long he would come to it and dip his head, beginning to drink quite vigorously, completely and utterly unaware of the threat lurking just feet away from him.