
Need You Now


11-04-2013, 09:07 PM

Though he was now considerably more relaxed with Dragon at the helm of the pack alongside he and Epiphron - there was no hiding the anxiousness in his bones - the worry in his features. A sigh slipped from his muzzle as Dragon spoke up, claiming he was worried about the upcoming war. Who wasn't? The Duke went on, giving a more specific worry and explaining how it could be remedied. He would suggest that everyone stay within the borders unless accompanied by a small group. It sounded logical enough - so much so that the King wondered why he hadn't thought of it. It had never occurred to him to set limits upon his own members for their safety - but apparently the Duke had ideas up his sleeve. With a slight pause he would nod his head in agreement. ?A fine idea, Ser. I will notify anyone I come across of the new regulations, if you could do the same I'm sure we'll reach them all in a short time period.? He then - for some unknown reason perhaps triggered by the stressful events of late - thought of someone he hadn't thought about in some time: the child that Loccian had adopted. He couldn't recall her name, but she had been injured on the outskirts of Seracia, just past the borders. ?Perhaps we ought to warn mothers to watch their children more closely in times such as these - we've lost children before when there was no war raging the lands.? Another child lost would not be good, especially since he had children roaming about.
