
Summon To Safety



11-04-2013, 09:27 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It felt strange being outside the Plains. Ever since her odd run in with the crazed wolf who had decided to scar her hind leg, Ashtoreth had kept more or less to home, rather paranoid of the world beyond and those who inhabited its lesser known parts. Only the Emerald Valley had seemed to harbor any sense of relative safety aside from the territory she held allegiance to, and she had been content with ending her travels there. With the war right upon their border, however, not only she but the rest of the non-fighters of the pack had been displaced, forced to seek shelter elsewhere until the chaos of battle died down and they were safe to return to familiar territory.

She had taken to wandering, homesick and jittery with nerves, near the border, her attention occasionally being occupied with the new land around her but with her thoughts constantly returning to the war and those they had left behind. Sitting in wait with the rest just would not suit her itching legs so she opted for movement, and only stopped when she heard the sound of a call resounding through the lands of Seracia. The small grey hunter paused in her meanderings, head and ears up as she listened and placed the voice to the male who had joined the diplomatic female to welcome the refugees to their temporary shelter. With a glance cast back over one shoulder, toward the border that was not so far away, she turned and padded off toward the caller.

Hurried steps found the wolf seated within a clearing deep into the heart of the Seracian territory, the odd smells of the farm in one direction and the faint scent of water in the other. Overall, it did seem suitable, though even so Ashtoreth was still plagued by homesickness. "Is this where we'll be staying?" she asked, her tone flat as she sought not to accidentally give offense to the simple question. It could have easily been misinterpreted, a fact that she realized even as she made it, and so she added after so as not to sound ungrateful, "Thank you guys so much for taking us in. Most of us aren't fighters, so we would've been nothing but a hindrance to those who stayed."