
My knight in broken armor




Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
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Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
10-24-2023, 06:54 PM

Her eyes opening slowly. The smell of smoke burned her nostrils as the coats of a fire begged to be stoked. Lifting a paw to rub at her face, Delphi looks around. She is… in her parent’s den. Her mothers were gone. Cyanide off to Ashen and her father had broken the news on the way back from her island adventure that Celeste had been kidnapped. It all made sense now as memories the night previous flooded her. Why had she been dumb enough to go out at night all alone? All she can hear is the worried voices of the adults after Strai had brought her back.

You could’ve been kidnapped.

Angry at herself and how much bad luck she had, Delphi stands and gives her fur a shake. No sense staying if her father wasn’t here. He was probably busy looking for her mother which made more sense. There were enough adults around to look after her anyway. Looking at the bed that they had all shared not that long ago, Delphi smiles softly before pulling on her trusty wolverine cloak that hung from the wall beside the doorway.

Making her way from their den, she headed straight for their spot. No longer was it for herself and her sister. Aji was… doing her own thing now. She wouldn’t admit she was bitter about it. Rather, she would focus on what made her happy and Strai was the one who did.

Trudging quickly through the shoveled snow, it wasn’t long before she was ducking in the doorway. They really needed to find a larger den and soon. Strai was getting larger and larger every day. Peeking her head in, Delphi noticed Strai wasn’t here yet. Her face falls, but she enters and begins to stoke the fire. Surprisingly, her companions had stayed back, probably to let Kuroki know where she’d gone if he did return or if anyone else came looking for her.

Once the fire was started, warm and crackling against her wet fur, she curls up on the pile of blankets that smell so fondly of Strai. Putting her chin upon her paws, she dozes off while waiting for the boy.

* Setting this day after attempt of kidnapping

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1. My knight in broken armor Fenrir's Maw 06:54 PM, 10-24-2023 12:54 PM, 03-24-2024