


11-04-2013, 09:48 PM
Ahhh haha well just pretend that I was not talking about the seige XDD and no worries lol

It had been a while since he had run into another female that wasn't his sister. It was rather refreshing to meet another bitch that wasn't related to her and wasn't pregnant for that matter. He could still fuck his sister as he wanted, but she was getting to big for his liking. Not that he was particular with those that he fucked, but he liked it better if they could fit between his paws. Cataleya couldn't at the moment, so fucking her wasn't on his list of things to do for the time being. But this little snowy bitch looked like she could be a good candidate for a new fuck buddy. He'd been craving some fucking lately, on top of blood. She was a young thing. Her frame was much smaller than his, as most were, and he could see the vivacity in her figure that screamed youth and strength and health. She was ripe for the taking.

She seemed to disagree with his observation, turning back towards the crystalline water to glance at herself before allowing her amethyst and silver gaze to return to his as she claimed to be the Queen of Clumsiness for the mere fact that she had apparently won some ridiculous spar. A booming laugh would erupt from the beast's bloody jaws, crown tossing back in the greatest display of amusement. Nickolai would chuckle under his breath up on the tree, his tail now lashing behind him with interest. This little girl thought herself a queen because she had won a mere squabble? Children. Maybe I should be calling you "Warrior Queen" then, since you seem to be so well versed in the art of war. He chastized, allowing his gaze to flicker over the small wound she had received to one of her ears. A roll of the eyes would show the little white bitch that her mere scratch was nothing to be proud of. Demyan would extend himself to his full height, chest puffing out powerfully from his frame, putting the massive scar that ran across his chest on display. That was a scar, not her stupid little hole.

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