
So uh, good news, bad news



"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


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10-24-2023, 11:27 PM
The moment she had arrived, Triss had bounced up to her and given her a kiss. Medusa returned the gesture of affection, all while keeping her eyes on the Armadan boy before her goddaughter returned to Crux's side. Her gaze flicked up briefly to find the Armadan vulture that flew low overhead. Her gaze narrowed, a low growl rumbling in her throat as her fur bristled. Spies. She did not trust them, and the presence of the vulture hovering overhead did little to ease her mind. Without a word or motion, Seymour flew to circle just above the other vulture, keeping an eye on him should he start any funny business.

"I'm sorry." Dual-toned gaze promptly found the Armadan boy again, and it took a great deal for her not to dismiss him completely and send him on his way. But, unfortunately for her, she was a curious if albeit distrustful beast. So she'd wait to hear what they had to say. "I'm afraid I'll have to answer any questions you have, there's been some complications." Or rather...what he had to say. Her gaze fell to Triss, wondering why this boy was speaking for her. He said there had been some flooding that morning. That he wasn't a strong swimmer, and he even showed her some sort of crystal deformity that grew on his leg. While she would have usually been extremely curious and would have probably started poking and prodding at it, she remained where she was. She knew how the Armada worked. Knew they were as distrustful as she was. She had been around long enough to hear about them. They probably would use her impulsive curiosity at wanting to do that as an excuse and claim she was threatening the boy, and she'd be damned if they tried to lie about the truth of the matter.

"I ended up trapped in my den and I guess Cryptis must have heard me calling for help. She was... Amazing, without her I believe I would have drowned." While part of her was proud of Triss' actions, she was also not happy to find that her goddaughter had been so far north on her own. Why was she even that close to the Armada to begin with? It was known that they were not allies, nor friends, nor had any sort of amicable relationship. Sirius and Azure had made that clear in their actions and their hostility toward her when she had done absolutely nothing to them.

He explained what had happened, or at least, what he told her had happened. Whether or not it was true, she wasn't sure. All she knew was that her goddaughter suddenly couldn't speak, and she was here with a crystallized Armadan. Not once did she smile since she arrived, nor was she unkind toward the boy. He was just that. A boy. A child as far as she was concerned. Not quite a pup, but not yet a full-fledged adult. She took a few moments to process what had been said. Glancing toward Umbra as she wordlessly sought guidance from her ever-faithful companion before turning her attention back to Crux. "Medusa thanks Armada boy for bringing Triss home. But Medusa is not sure she believes this. Armada does not trust Medusa, and Medusa does not trust Armada." She glanced up to the Armadan vulture then, eyes narrowing again. "Why does Sirius send a spy instead of coming himself? He does not like Medusa. Medusa has done nothing to Armada. But Crystal Boy helped Triss, and Triss helped him?"

She didn't know what the fuck to believe. For all she knew, it was some sort of trap to get her indebted to them for helping her goddaughter. They were pretty mad when she won the pack from Recluse. Maybe they had similar values or something. As far as Medusa was concerned, Recluse was not a nice wolf by any means and could be downright cruel, vindictive, and sneaky. At least, that had been Medusa's experience with her, anyway. She turned her attention to Triss, "Why was she over there?" Wait. Fuck. She couldn't talk right now, could she? She heaved a massive sigh. Did this have anything to do with her own ailments? Or had the Armada done something and were covering it up? She had so many questions and suspicions, but if the latter were the case, then Triss wouldn't be all buddy-buddy with Crystal Boy, would she? She had been drugged before...her memory was not what it used to be as far as she was aware. But even she had the sense to know that this wasn't the case like the one before. All she could do for now, she supposed, was speculate.


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:

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1. So uh, good news, bad news Dancefloor of the Gods 07:58 PM, 09-22-2023 06:33 AM, 04-11-2024