
Missing Memories Bring Me Here




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Hunter (0)

5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-25-2023, 01:08 AM

The man seems suspicious of her and since he knows her name, the woman wonders if she has done something horrible to him in the past. A frown pulls her mouth down as her brows knit together, the way he speaks her name seems so familiar yet foreign at the same time. She admits that she has lost her memory and he seems to… not believe her. Confusion mixed with shame settles over her frame as Zenith watches the complete stranger and silently begs him to understand and take pity on her plight. He lets out a slow breath and she can almost see the gears in his mind turning as he digests the information she has given.

Finally, he seats him across from her, the invisible border becoming a strong boundary as he begins to explain about her and him, revealing his name to be Cináed and the fact that he is her brother. Even as he speaks of a pack and their father, the woman’s confusion only deepens and a sense of hopelessness washes over her, dizzying in its intensity. Yet nothing sparks in the haze of her past and, at the news of how their father had tried to rip her brother’s tail off, Zen cannot help herself as she lets out a disbelieving scoff. Worry suddenly colors her gaze as her eyes widen slightly and she asks, “Am I am like him? Am I… mean?”

While she has felt the hot burn of anger over not understanding or knowing things, the woman likes to think that she would not try to rip off the tail of a family member if she ever saw them. Suddenly, realization slams into her like a fist against leather and the woman visibly wilts as she asks, “Have I done that before? Did I hurt you… before?” Zen doesn’t know who she is or what she was like before but, standing here in front of her brother, the woman abruptly feels the need to apologize for every bit of the life that she does not remember. Mouth pumps but no words are forth coming as her shoulders draw inward, head lowering as she pulls into herself, suddenly afraid to hear any more that Cináed has to say about her old self.

"Zenith Praetor"

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1. Missing Memories Bring Me Here Redbud Nook 09:22 PM, 05-28-2023 03:21 AM, 02-13-2024