
Blue Is A Beautiful Color


10-25-2023, 02:29 AM
The stranger introduced himself as Crux. His surname spoken right after and for a second Hanmel thought over if she knew anyone with the same. When nothing came to light, she brushed it off while gaze took notice of his leg. There was something quite different about it. But other than that, the young male looked like any wolf she’d come across so far while being in Boreas. "Your leg is cute. You shouldn’t be ashamed of what makes you different. Try embracing it. Overpowering it." A seashell so happened to catch her attention as she reached down to add it to the others. "You never know. One of these pretty females might find it quite attractive."

She shot a smirk. Followed by a wink and a light chuckle. Hanmel may be judgmental, bitchy and have a mouth that could clearly get her killed. One thing that she wasn’t, however, was prejudice. Everyone was born in their own unique way. It’s what gives each soul a sense of personality. Rather created normal or with an extra deformity. Regardless of it, Mel didn’t feel like anyone should allow that to stop them from doing or being anything. "I’m Hanmel. The new apprentice. My last name doesn’t really matter. I’ll be dropping it soon. Maybe even change my name." After the whole ordeal with Medusa and her brother Eraithus. The entire time having to submit because she couldn’t flee like she wanted to. Days it took to heal from the aftermath of that situation, she wanted nothing more but to change her entire identity.


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1. Blue Is A Beautiful Color Soul Sand Cove 07:07 PM, 09-23-2023 11:48 PM, 11-07-2023