
fish with me, dad!

mortis - winter seasonal


10-25-2023, 09:45 AM
Mortis' words went in one ear and then out the other. Not that she wasn't listening to her father, but she was so excited to be out and about! Especially when she had the protection of her very large father to keep her safe, she had not a worry in the world! And even though she was near exhausted from how much they had traveled to get down here, she couldn't wait to explore further!

A gasp leaves her as she is amazed at the fact that Auster experienced summer when they had winter. "That is so crazy! I totally noticed though! It is waaaaay warmer down here than at home!" Ursa exclaimed, her excited tones echoing over the sand and causing the water to ripple away from her. Giggling as she spun a few circles to get out more of her energy, she finally stopped when Mortis motioned her over to begin her first real fishing lesson.

"I'm always careful, dad!" Ursa says, faking pouting and even sticking her tongue out at him before giggling once more. When he hands her over the jar of fish bait, she sticks her nose in it and leans back with a disgusted look. "Bleck! What is this stuff!" Her high-pitched voice makes an impolite noise as she pushes the jar away from herself while Mortis explains what exactly they are going to do.

"Not sure why fish would think this is tasty," there is almost a whine in her tone as she sticks her paw into the jar. Grabbing some of the icky feeling bait, Ursa pulls her paw out and flings it out toward the water. Okay, so she may have been a little aggressive about it, but she wanted that stinky stuff as far away from her as possible! Once she sets the jar back down on the sand and stands as still as she can beside her dad, she looks up at him with a wagging tail and bright smile. "Okay, was that good!?" She exclaims before looking back out at the water.

Was that a ripple she was seeing? Were the fish really attracted to that stuff?! "Oo, dad, is that something!?" Ursa calls out rather loudly.

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1. fish with me, dad! The Bifröst 09:24 AM, 10-12-2023 06:03 PM, 11-08-2023