
The Warmth of Others


11-04-2013, 11:07 PM

The femme was rather glad that the male had rose. A gentle smile spread over her maw, though there was a hint of uncertainty behind it. Since meeting Io the femme had become more determined to find a pack to reside in, though she was still having trouble deciding where she wanted to live. The North was getting caught up in winter, cooling the lands to prepare for further falling snow. Snow was a beautiful thing, so pure and white, though horridly cold. She was definitely glad that, while she was in the cave, she at least had warm fur covering her entire body. She couldn't imagine being a smaller creature, whose body would be more suceptiable to cold.

Arietta dipped her head at the male's words. "Yes, being alone can be quiet boring at times." She was a little disappointed to hear that he wasn't part of a pack, though she probably should have guessed that he didn't belong to one. Lone wolves have few, if any, other scents mingling with their coats. Arietta shook her head, her ears dropping a tad to reflect her saddened thoughts. "No... I'm not apart of a pack either." Arietta let out a soft sigh. "I am searching for one, however. It's just a tad hard with all these different packs and what not." The femme paused before speaking again.

"My name is Arietta. May I have your name...?"
