
What Doesn’t Kill You

For Khranbari



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
10-25-2023, 04:06 PM

The monochromatic male tilted his head, he clearly didn’t know what she was talking about. The scratching sound couldn’t have been from him then. Worry washed over her features again as the uncertainty of what had made the noises was now up in the air. Khran moved in toward her, placing his snout under her chin and lifting her head up. His voice was a low rumble as he spoke his disapproval of her greeting. She could tell it was important to him that she not treat him differently just because he was higher ranking. However, her greeting was more habit than anything and she was only trying to be polite. She was impressed that he was actually starting to come around now though, he hardly ever spoke before. Now, even his eyes now betrayed a glimpse into how he really felt. As he began to speak again Varushka stepped back from him, the warmth from his flushed face fading away with the distance. He wanted to tell her something?

Loud scratching interrupted their brief heart to heart. It sounded closer this time and before the earthen coated woman could think Khran was off in a heartbeat. His silvery paws sent snow flying behind him as he rushed headlong toward the sound.
”Khran wait!” Varushka felt panic begin to well up inside as she battled her indecision to follow. He wasn’t even a little afraid. Khranbari was ready to defend his pack from whatever it may be, the least she could do was be there to support him. So without a moment to spare she darted after him, her brown paws churning the snowy ground up beneath her. As she rounded a corner she nearly slammed into him. Her hackles raised as the scent of the creature hit her nose. It greeted them with an icy growl and a nasty hiss. It was a full grown male puma. It yowled angrily at the two wolves blocking its path, taking a swipe at them with its large golden paw and freshly sharpened claws.


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1. What Doesn’t Kill You Monument Rapids 09:59 PM, 10-06-2023 12:42 AM, 07-03-2024