
Blue Is A Beautiful Color



Master Healer (256)

Intermediate Navigator (45)


3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - PansexualSamhain 2022
10-25-2023, 10:08 PM

Crux wasn't exactly in the habit of adding his surname, he only tended to do so if he had reason to think it might be relevant. He wasn't interested in pulling rank on anyone in the pack but if they hadn't gotten it from the nearly identical eye marking to his father, the Fatalis name was added only to make it clear that yes he was just one amongst the many wolves in the pack who were directly related to the warlord. Beyond that he didn't care. He loved his family, his litter mates in particular but he knew that some wolves did care. He didn't consider himself any better than the wolves within the pack that weren't family, he could never be called egotistical for sure. His ego wasn't weak per se but it sure did have some sore spots. Unfortunately his leg was one of them. Crux's expression tightened somewhat as the blue woman told him what he should think about his own disability, as if he hadn't had it his entire life. As if he wasn't the one constantly making sure he wasn't letting anyone doubt him for it. That didn't change that yeah, the sand of the beach was a pain in his ass that others didn't need to deal with because he couldn't, in fact, mind over matter his way out of poor balance. Kyanite was about the only wolf he could share that frustration with. All this ran through his mind in an instant, at this point thoughts so common he hardly needed to acknowledge them. Maybe if he had he'd have stopped the sudden flash of warmth that flooded his face as she continued to speak and an image of a certain small Insomnia girl appeared in his mind, like she'd summoned her! He didn't know if Cryptis liked his leg cuff but he did have to acknowledge it had helped them start their friendship their shared experiences of disability had helped to foster their relationship. "Yeah..." Crux said suddenly shy and ducking his head. "Maybe..."

Hanmel, Crux made a point of matching her name to her face in his mind. A brow quirking up in curiosity as she mentioned she was planning to drop her surname. But he wouldn't pry, he wasn't nosy, curiosity be damned. "Well I hope you find something you're more comfortable with." Oh if only the two of them knew, the commiseration they could share. Crux's own run-in with Medusa hadn't exactly been what he'd call pleasant, though that wasn't entirely the odd woman's fault, he'd also been anxious for Triss and recovering from having nearly drowned earlier in the day so there had been a lot working against him. "Oh! I'm a medic, forgot." He wondered what rank the blue woman would be chasing. If he had to take a guess, probably some type of fighter, that seemed to be the majority of the pack. Though many of them were his siblings and their father was called the warlord. Still he'd not deny hoping they might find more healers soon, considering how outnumbered by fighters they were. Crux turned his attention to the seashells at Hanmel's paws, tipping his head slightly to the side and shuffling a bit closer. "Collecting some shells?" He gave her a smile, simple curiosity driving this shift in conversation.


Art by MarkLix
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Crux has a 6 inch long burn scar on his throat, most of his art does not reflect this.

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1. Blue Is A Beautiful Color Soul Sand Cove 07:07 PM, 09-23-2023 11:48 PM, 11-07-2023