


11-05-2013, 01:43 AM
ooc// battle against surreal starts in the 2nd paragraph.


Rage and fury engulfed the dark heart of the brutal warrior. His attacks towards the other male succeeded, and he would give a vicious shake to his adversary, left claws raking over Pontifex's right eye. He hoped that he was able to at least temporarily blind him, whether or not he did he would release his opponents scruff and give a final bite to his opponents left ear. His hugging attempt had worked, and he had a good hold upon him as he would start to drag him to the ground. His body would move slightly back by a couple steps as he made his move to bring the warrior to the ground. Just as he bit down on the ear, he would feel a sharp pain on the right side of his abdomen. He snarled with more rage, aqua blue oculars trying to see what had caused the pain as he began his release of Ponti's ear. He saw briefly, the figure that had attacked him leap away, skin and fur in her mouth. Thanks to his slight movement from his previous shaking movement, Surreal had gotten hold of his flank and was able to tear away a good strip of flesh at least four inches long. Pain surged up his side, rage engulfing him all the more. He could feel blood run down his leg, the warmth dripping into the ground. With a snarl, he would finally throw his opponent to the ground in front of the girl as she made to rush him, his teeth slicing through Ponti's ear as gravity ripped it from his mouth. Soon after throwing his opponent down, he would give a rather vicious bite to the grey knight's upper back, tearing what he could before turning to the girl. Blood dripped from his jaws as she came at him. Jet would turn his attention to her and leap over Pontifex to meet the girl head on.

As he moved over the fallen warrior, he would begin to keep his defenses set. Ears lied flat upon his skull, eyes narrowed, teeth bared, weight evenly distributed upon spread legs, claws in the dirt for traction, toes splayed, tail aligned with his spine for balance, head lowered over his throat, scruff scrunched, knees became bent, shoulders rolled forward to protect the sides of his neck, jaws open and ready to grab at her as they rushed towards each other. She would collide with his chest, bruising it greatly though it would only jar him and stop him in his tracks as he held his ground. The bleeding pain on his right flank and the throbbing pain on his chest would spur him forward, jaws seeking her head as he made an attempt to grasp the back of her neck with his jaws. He was a few inches taller then her, and with her lowered position it seemed to give him leverage. If his mark hit, then he would seek to do what he did to the other warrior and shake his head violently to rip as much as he could from her. If his intended target area missed, then his teeth would attempt to close on whatever else he could in the area.

If he could manage to grab on to the back of her neck or her back, he would try to pin her down using his weight. If successful, then he would continue his assault and try to do as much damage as he could before attempting to throw his head back in an effort to throw her a few yards. He had the strength and muscle to do it, and had done it quite often to his own pack mates before they met their last fall as they met the oceans waters below. If she managed to squirm her way out from under him, then he would try to keep close to her. His injuries went ignored for now as adrenaline coursed through him, his vision filling with nothing but red as he sought to annihilate all opponents.

Fight Stats

Jet Vs. Surreal for knockout/seige
Round: 1/2

Defenses: Ears lied flat upon his skull, eyes narrowed, teeth bared, weight evenly distributed upon spread legs, claws in the dirt for traction, toes splayed, tail aligned with his spine for balance, head lowered over his throat, scruff scrunched, knees became bent, shoulders rolled forward to protect the sides of his neck, jaws open and ready

Attacks: Attempting to lunge for the back of her neck or whatever else in that area he can grab in order to shake violently to try and tear/rip flesh. If he misses then he will try to grab whatever else is in reach. If successful(or not) he will try to pin her down using his weight. If successful, he will try to do as much damage as possible(whatever it may be) and then attempt to throw his head back/to the side or whatever angle it's call) to throw her across the ground.

Injuries: 4-5 inch strip of flesh ripped from his right flank, bleeding and will scar. 4 half inch puncture wounds on his right shoulder. Severe bruising to his chest.

Out Of Character Notes: Permission given to edit for adding proper round count.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think