
fish with me, dad!

mortis - winter seasonal



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
10-26-2023, 03:33 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2023, 03:33 PM by Mortis. Edited 1 time in total.)

He could watch Ursa having fun all day. Seeing her so care free, laughter on her muzzle, was everything he wanted in life. He had no idea how much he could love kids, until he had wound up with his own under paw. It was perhaps a little harder than usual to get her attention, but Mortis is nothing if not patient, laughing softly as he watched her spin before she trotted over to him. He pulled her into a hug with one long, feathered wing. Squeezing gently, and then releasing her.

“I know you are, Ursa, but some things are worth repeating.” He teased her gently. When she took the jar, the first thing she did was take a big sniff of it. Perhaps he should have warned her, but she was here to experience life. Even the awful smelling parts of it. Laughing lightly, he reached out a paw to steady the jar so she didn’t knock it over. “Bits of worms and eels” He explained to her. A strong smell was good - for the fish!

“Fish are strange, they think toes are tasty too.” He said, giving her the side eye. His pups had definitely been known for toe-biting in their days. As he teased her, she stuck a paw in the jar to grab at some of the bait. Despite hating the smell, she was game to give it a go and he was proud of her. She flung it out into the water, and they both watched as it settled on the surface, before some of the heavier bits began to sink. “That was perfect, sweetheart” He promised her.

“Shhh, you’ll scare them away” he warned her as she suddenly spoke, her voice breaking the silence and the ripples in the water died down for a moment. But, as they kept their silence, they started up again. Ripples and bubbles as fish began to feed on the stinky remains of the bait. “Here they come” he whispered to Ursa. “Now, you need to creep closer to the shore, careful not to cast a shadow on the water. When you think you have a shot, pounce! okay?” he whisper-instructed to her.

Total: 1503


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1. fish with me, dad! The Bifröst 09:24 AM, 10-12-2023 06:03 PM, 11-08-2023