
What the future holds



10-26-2023, 04:41 PM

The grumpy wolf's brow relaxes just slightly when you choose him, though he remains silent, making no effort to answer your question. He seems to give you a moment to reconsider as well. After a moment, the tough looking wolf grunts in approval and turns to lead.

As you follow, a thick smoke rolls in and masks sight and smell. Through watery eyes, you are barely able to follow the guide, but eventually the smoke begins to clear and you are hit with the strong smell of Sulphur. You take a step forward and the guide pulls you back slightly. Blinking the rest of the tears out of your eyes, you realize you're on the edge of a steep chasm- a chasm filled with bubbling lava. One wrong move and it's over.

The guide motions to a wobbly wooden bridge that connects down into a cave on the other side of the canyon.

What do you do?

Strength: Dash across before the bridge can collapse.
If you're fast, the bridge won't have a chance to collapse!

Charisma: Make the guide go first.
This was his idea, so make him go first.

Dexterity: Balance lightly between the planks evenly as you go.
Most of the planks seem stable enough. If you balance evenly, surely none of them will break.

Wisdom: Evaluate the safest planks to walk on.
If you take your time, you can pick out the safest planks.

Leave and exit the event.

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1. What the future holds Mount Volkan 11:36 PM, 10-17-2023 05:19 AM, 05-01-2024