
Rock Slide


11-05-2013, 11:08 AM

Emerald gaze slide between her two brothers, both giving her the same exact disapproving look. Oh god, her brothers were more alike than she originally thought. Eyes rolled as she shook her head. They would be the death of her. Death by boredom that it. Taurig started speaking, mostly to Falk as she already knew about their father and what he had done. She had no desire to meet the man or to become part of his pack. She may be capable of following in her fathers paw steps but she didn't want to become part of his drama.

Audits swiveled on top of her crown, vaguely listening to her brother speak. Setting ground rules. A brow lifted. She didn't come here looking for someone to baby her, she would she stayed with her mother for that. And now here was her big brother, telling them what they could and couldn't do. Falk agreed without so much as a blink of an eye before turning his gaze to her, she could feel his eyes on her, wanting to know that she understood. She would no tolerate being bossed around or having her intelligence questioned.

The young Queen was very aware of the dangers her father presented. She didn't need to be told. But she was stuck between her two overprotective brothers. "You can both stop looking at me like that, I'm aware of our father." She snapped indignantly at both, her temper simmering, ears fell back against her skull, outraged at her brothers behavior, good intentions or not. She knew they wanted nothing more than for her to be safe, but she would not tolerate bring treated as such.
