Ursa waits as patiently as a pup can. Her body wiggles and her tail thumps repeatedly as Maki prepares her stage. Watching her monochrome-spotted friend stamp down the snow and clear her throat, Ursa smiles back. She loved, loved, loved listening to stories! Albeit a little cold to be staying outside, she didn't care. A new friend and story time was worth the cold toes.
As Maki begins, Ursa slowly slides down onto her belly with her front legs extended. Getting comfortable, she even lets out a little amazed gasp. "What's amonsia?" Ursa whispers quietly under her breath as she stares wide-eyed at Maki. "Is there more!? What's her name? Where does she live? Does anything happen to her?!" Her exclamations grow as her paws tap against the ground, waiting not-so-patiently for Maki to continue with more details.