
goat, anyone?




Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Hunter (90)

4 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
10-27-2023, 01:27 PM

Winter was in full swing and the mountains made it known. The pathways were covered in heavy layers of snow, and all the game trails she had learned prior to winter's arrival were now gone. At least probably until the Spring thaw. She was heading up the mountainside to see what, if anything, she could find. Best to check the Maw before leaving the pack lands to see if she could find something, first. Her ravens stayed closer to the foothills this time around, the howling winds and driving snow making it difficult for them to fly safely.

She pulled her new bear skin cloak up tighter around her shoulders, flipping the hood up and over her head to better protect herself against the cold. The weather made it difficult to track anything, but she knew there to be mountain goats further up. The blue-pelted warrior carefully picked her way up a side path that she remembered being there (though she couldn't see it anymore), and used the lining of stone to guide her path further up. The wind shifted enough that she caught a hint of a goat. Probably somewhere along the cliffside. She searched with narrowed eyes in an effort to see where it might be. To see if it was somewhere where she might be able to reach it.

So far...nothing. She could smell it. But she couldn't see. Best to get higher up. She climbed a little higher, climbing atop a rocky ledge and as she looked around, she spotted what she thought was a goat at first, but then realized that it wasn't a goat, but a wolf with ram horns. A grin played on her lips as she crept closer to the ledge above the other woman. She didn't quite know the woman's name, but she had seen her around. "Almost mistook you for one of them with those horns of yours. Think they'd fall for a wolf in sheep's clothing?" She playfully winked as she settled on the cold stone.


Thread Move Log
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1. goat, anyone? Fenrir's Maw 06:22 AM, 09-11-2023 07:05 PM, 01-31-2024